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首頁 新聞 產品新聞 Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E and Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A

Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E and Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A

  • December 14, 2016
Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E:
1. Liberate the labor force and labor cost.
2. Enable higher production rate and output.
3. Imported driving motor, gearbox and Chip protect continuous work.
4. 30minutes battery life after power cut off for effortless transportation.
Xingyi Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A:
1. Self-propelled, no need operator to control machine ( except the turns), ease the labor force greatly.
2. Walking at setting speed with long battery life ( Machine can walk at setting speed at upward or downgrade slope. For example, if you make setting 10meter/min, machine will proceed base on the program instruction)
3. Built-in battery for easy handling.

4. Long battery life ( Charge 7 hours can walk 25 hours )


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